Saturday, 23 March 2013


Recently I tried to familiarise my self with computer trying to be  computer literarte I  found  it  also  interesting and challenging to use computer because the  more  you practice to use  it , the more you become familliar with the  technogy, technology is verydifficult as  more especially if  you are not computer literate you must familliarise  your-self with it, keep on  practising  until you master it at a later stage,its part of our course ,we  freequently use  it to find relevant  information in our workplaces.


  1. I agree with you. There is no better way to learn about the things you can use on a computer than to go and play around. I am now working on my slide show for my presentation and am am remembering the first time I played on PowerPoint, discovering all the things I can do on this one programme.

  2. In doing this module, we have all been unseated from our comfort zones - technologically that is! We have come this far, there's no stopping us now - we're heading into the cyber future - with or without some of our colleagues within the City's libraries.

  3. Its true what you say...practice, practice, practice

  4. Yes I will try and practice as much as I can

  5. The most problem I experience is that I donot have enough time at work so I have to squiz my self in between during work hours.

  6. Hi Suraya yes its true what you are saying what ever we do what ever obstacles we experience we must go forward no matter what the circumstances are

  7. Hi Connet I get your point but its true that we have to try as much as you can
